Lean Six SigmaNeither Lean nor Six Sigma alone meet today's business challenges. Lean attacks complexity; Six Sigma attacks variation. Deployed simultaneously, Lean focuses your value stream, while Six Sigma reduces variation. lean6sigmaSM is the customer-focused change strategy and method that integrates and deploys this synergy. HCA provides a full spectrum of products and services designed to deliver enterprise excellence using lean6sigmaSM

Lean6sigma begins with understanding value as your "customer" defines it. By focusing on the external customer, we encourage the functional and operational alignment necessary to deliver your value proposition.

HCA builds your capability by sharing lean6sigma tools and processes to remove waste and variation, create consistency, and drive expediency throughout your organization. We train your team in leading-edge lean6SigmaSM methodology, and transfer our knowledge and experience to you through value stream baselines and hands-on improvement projects.

Culture is all about “how you do things,” and lean6sigmaSM requires challenging the way we do things. lean6sigmaSM is organizational, cultural change. It must be the way you run your business. HCA helps to instill and foster the mindsets, leadership principles and behaviors, and communication necessary to effectively identify the things that must change and facilitate the adoption of change.

Alignment for ExcellenceSM

The Alignment for Excellence process engages business leaders in strategic planning, change management, pinpointing customer value, and building strategic alliances.

Organizations often deploy major strategic concepts without fully aligning the organization. It is crucial for optimal success to invest the time, resources, and energy to fully engage the enterprise. The Alignment for ExcellenceSM process engages business leaders in strategic planning, change management, pinpointing customer value, and building strategic alliances. HCA offers the following services to ensure your organization is aligned and ready to achieve enterprise excellence in its endeavors:

  • Alignment Profile: Ensure your organization is united for enterprise excellence with a quick check assessment of leadership alignment on key strategic initiatives.
  • Strategic Planning: Leverage a guided and adaptable method for planning company business, linking leaders with strategy, and tactical deployment.
  • Change Management: Drive new initiatives throughout the organization more effectively with change management techniques that work.
  • Customer Value: Develop customer interaction processes that pinpoint value as defined by the customer, and deploy tactical actions that align your organization's value stream with your customer.
  • Strategic Alliances: Extend your competitive market position with strong partnerships built on defined risks and rewards, roles and responsibilities, problem resolution processes, process management, and operating guidelines.

Virtual UniversitySM

HCA’s Virtual University brings customized, timely education in house for your team. Leveraging a blended learning approach, your leaders, black belts, green belts, and advocates/associates can learn just-the-right content at just-the-right time in the just-the-right place.

Educating and aligning your organization on what lean6sigma is and how to use it is the very important first step in a successful deployment. Our faculty members include the thought leaders, authors, business leaders and consultants who are the "go-to" experts in demand. With over 40,000 people trained in over 40 countries, we guarantee that the Virtual University will deliver. Coaching is also available to ensure ongoing leadership support and lasting results. Whether your challenge is education on the latest leadership techniques, leadership alignment, or world-wide initiative deployment, Virtual UniversitySM is the way for you to align and educate your team.

We guarantee that the Virtual UniversitySM will deliver - at a price far less than traditional university executive programs. Find out how our Fortune clients, including Honeywell, Merck Medco, Raytheon, GlaxoSmithKline, Lockheed-Martin and others, have used Virtual UniversitySM to align and educate executive teams world wide, and how it can help you do the same. HCA offers the following services to ensure your organization is trained and ready to effectively deploy lean6sigmaSM and realize enterprise excellence:

  • Learning Profile: Explore your organization's readiness to deploy lean6sigmaSM with this quick-hit assessment designed to determine your learning needs.
  • Leadership Education: Educate senior leaders in the fundamentals of lean6sigmaSM and guide and align them to decide how lean6sigmaSM can improve performance in the organization.
  • Training: Learn the advanced use of lean6sigmaSM tools and techniques to improve performance throughout the organization, preparing your lean6sigmaSM team leaders to deploy and institutionalize these methods.
  • Mentor Program: Leverage the experience and knowledge of your most successful lean6sigmaSM leaders with a mentor program designed to ensure effective transfer of lean6sigmaSM concepts, as well as ongoing learning and implementation.

NextStep ConsultingSM

Put expert consultants at your disposal to help you baseline, plan and implement a project, or simply fix a process.

HCA offers NextStep ConsultingSM to put our expert consultants at your disposal as you implement enterprise excellence. Our consultants are proven assets who can help you baseline, plan and implement a project, or simply fix a process. They have years of experience - not only as consultants, but also as corporate executives in Fortune companies and the military. Let HCA's experience and knowledge help you deploy change initiatives and get results. Our seasoned consultants have "been there, done that." We bring the systems, knowledge and experience to your team to help them get to the next level of performance. HCA offers the following services to ensure your organization gets just-in-time help to meet.

  • Project Profile: Jumpstart your project with a quick-start project profile to analyze your project readiness and potential for success.
  • Baseline Analysis: Analyze your current situation, including the following critical tasks: quantify waste in the current system, determine causes of waste, identify a target model area, and block the 'to be' layout.
  • Project Plan: Develop project plans that incorporate best practices in tasks, milestones, roles, responsibilities, and aggressive but realistic deadlines.
  • Process Fix: Leverage knowledgeable consultants who can quickly fix a process to enable noticeable, sustainable improvements.
  • Project Implementation: Outsource your project implementation to consultants that have the experience to get it done and done well.